Welcome to IDS 040: Practice Case Studies - Food Service Management

An online course brought to you by IEDNC inc.

Practice Case Studies: Food Service Management, offered by IEDNC Inc., is an online-based course designed to allow students to test their knowledge and practice analyzing various management-related scenarios covering different topics such as human resources, performance appraisals, decision making and much more. These practice case studies will allow students to determine which topics they are knowledgeable in and can further direct their learning to other areas requiring improvement, which can be particularly beneficial when preparing for dietetic exams like CSNM, KCAT and others!

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Course Overview

    • Practice Case Studies: Food Service Management Overview

  • 2

    FSM Case Study 1

    • Learning Objectives

    • Case Scenario

    • Section 1

    • Section 2

    • Section 3

    • Section 4

    • Section 5

    • Section 6

    • Section 7

  • 3

    FSM Case Study 2

    • Learning Objectives

    • Case Scenario 1

    • Case Scenario 2

  • 4

    FSM Case Study 3

    • Learning Objectives

    • Case Scenarios

  • 5

    FSM Case Study 4

    • Learning Objectives

    • Case Scenario 1

    • Case Scenario 2

    • Section 1

  • 6

    FSM Case Study 5

    • Learning Objectives

    • Case Scenario

    • Section 1

    • Section 2

  • 7

    FSM Case Study 6

    • Learning Objectives

    • Case Scenario 1

    • Case Scenario 2

    • Section 1


President of IEDNC, Registered Dietitian, Certified Diabetes Educator

Manmeet Kaur Behl

With more than 20+ years of working as a Registered Dietitian, and also the President of IE Dietitians Network of Canada, Manmeet has an array of experience. She is well-versed in many areas such as chronic disease management, cancer prevention and nutrition, and development of nutrition-education programs. She has appeared in various South Asian TV shows, speaking to the South Asian population about healthy eating. Being an advocate for Diabetes prevention, Manmeet continues to volunteer as Chief Dietitian with Stop Diabetes Foundation Canada, which is a charitable organization educating the public on Diabetes prevention & management. She is passionate about building healthy and happier communities using her knowledge to help people make simple and sustainable steps towards a healthier future.