Welcome to Dietetic Examination Practice Questions II

An online course brought to you by IEDNC Inc.

Dietetic Examination Practice Questions II, offered by IEDNC Inc., is an online-based course designed to allow students to test their knowledge and practice answering various questions in different areas such as communication, professionalism, nutrition care, food safety, management, dietetic practice and many more. These practice questions will allow students to determine which topics they are knowledgeable in and can further direct their learning to other areas requiring improvement, which can be particularly beneficial when preparing for dietetic exams like KCAT, PBA, CDRE and others!

Course curriculum

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    Course Overview

    • Course Overview

    • Course Disclaimer

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    1. Anatomy

    • Anatomy Quiz

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    2. Biochemistry

    • Biochemistry Quiz

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    3. Microbiology

    • Microbiology Quiz

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    4. Nutrition Care

    • Hepatobiliary Disorders Quiz

    • Renal Disorders Quiz

    • Cardiovascular Diseases Quiz

    • Energy Balance & Body Weight Quiz

    • Gastrointestinal Diseases Quiz

    • Pancreatic Diseases Quiz

    • Neoplastic Disorders Quiz

    • Neurological Quiz

    • Adrenal Gland Quiz

    • Thyroid Gland Quiz

    • Endocrine Glands Quiz

    • Food Intolerance Quiz

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    5. NCP

    • Interpreting Lab Results Quiz

    • Vitamins and Minerals Quiz

    • Foundations of Food and Nutrition Quiz

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    6. Nutrition During Lifespan

    • Nutrition During Life Span Quiz

    • Nutrition During Pregnancy Quiz

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    7. Food Service Management

    • Food Safety Quiz

    • Human Resource Management Quiz

    • Finance Management Quiz

    • Food Preservation Quiz

    • Food Procurement Quiz

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    8. Communication

    • Communication Quiz

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    9. Professional Practice

    • Evidence Based Practice Quiz

    • Professional Practice Quiz

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    10. Population and Public Health

    • Population and Public Health Quiz